Get rid of spelling issues
Fix your grammatical errors
Eliminate punctuation issues
Make your text shine!

Whether you are a student or a budding professional writer, your essay or blog post can’t create a positive impression if filled with spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. To pass in your essays or earn your blog popularity, you need to create a positive impression with your readers, which can only happen depending on the eloquence of your texts. Otherwise, your hours of researching and brainstorming will be a zero-sum game if your final product is littered with errors.

Teachers, on the other hand, are bound by their professional ethics to ensure they grade students’ papers accordingly and award them marks depending on how well they perform. However, grading many students can be time-consuming and a mentally taxing affair. And that’s where our easy grader online calculator comes in.

It is an easy tool that we developed with every writer’s concerns in mind, including content, focus, formatting,  organization, grammar, structural, and stylistic elements.

Who Can Use Our Online Paper Rater

Our online easy grader free tool is an all-rounded editing tool suited to meet all your editing needs. Below, we have compiled a list of the categories of people that can use this easy grader online grader.


Education institutions use different ways to assess students’ comprehension and teacher performance. Unfortunately, many of these performance measures entail many physical paper. The only problem upside of this method is that it is time-consuming, plus the collected cannot be used for other formative assessments. With the help of an online grader for teachers like ours, it becomes easier to pinpoint the different stumbling blocks for students, provide helpful feedback, and teach using successful methods. 

Our easy grader calculator has a high level of flexibility and functionality, which helps speed up the grading process. It features pre-printed bubble sheets, allowing teachers to assess students’ work through true/false questions.


As a student, there’s no denying that handing in your paper without proofreading or editing may give a negative impression to the readers or lead to bad grades or a watered-down GPA. Hiring a professional editor doesn’t come cheap, not forgetting that an average grader or editor can take several days to go through your work. To avoid missing deadlines or risk your academic performance, you can turn to our college essay grader for assistance.  

Our online grader calculator will help you submit premium-quality academic papers, whether you have limited knowledge of English or are a non-native English speaker. Simply upload or copy/paste your assignments, hit the check button, get your paper appraised, and suggest feedback on several areas of writing.


Editing is the foundation of reporting in any media house. Basically, editors are tasked with researching names and information, checking facts, and ensuring all the newspapers and broadcast materials are error-free.  Although traditional media is slowly being phased out, editing is still an essential aspect in the social media era where speed and quantity are of the essence.

As a journalist, it is important to proofread, edit, and grade your blog before sending it to your superior or publishing it. All these three steps are critical in journalism, and they must be undertaken before any broadcast material can be considered complete. They help check whether you have included everything you wanted to say, add missing aspects, and iron out any minutes or unnecessary errors.

Document Types That Our Paper Grader Can Help Check

Our easy grader for teachers, students, and journalists is equipped with all the technology to handle different types of documents irrespective of your vocation. Here are some document types that our easy grader online tool can help you conduct a comprehensive check of your papers.


No matter the learning institution you go to, essay writing is a ritual and rite of passage that you must undergo. For some students, writing essays is an easy task, while others face insurmountable challenges, even compiling a single paragraph. Either way, students must craft clear, concise, and coherent essays.

Multiple grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes in an essay can distort its meaning, alienate the readers, and even burn your credibility as a scholar. 

However, by using an online easy grader, you can eliminate all these errors, improve your writing, and save time.

Our easy grader also doubles as a fantastic teacher app, which helps teachers create tests, all thanks to its unmatched flexibility for customization. The tool accommodates the traditional multiple-choice and true/false type answer forms, as well as allows for bespoke content customization.


A dissertation is a research project that students complete as part of their undergraduate degree. Typically, it allows students to present their findings in response to a problem, proposition, or choice question. The primary aim of a dissertation is to test the student’s independent research skills gained in their study, with the assessment helping determine their final grade. 

For most students, a dissertation project is probably the longest, most time-consuming, and most difficult assignment you will complete at university. It requires weeks or even months of preparation and hours of research. If you are passionate enough, writing a dissertation can be super-rewarding, especially if you love the topic you choose. 

Basically, there are two types of dissertations that you may come across, i.e, empirical and non-empirical dissertations.

Empirical dissertations mainly involve data collection and, in some cases conducting laboratory work. Non-empirical dissertations, on the other hand, are anchored on existing arguments and data derived from other people’s work. 

If you are a student writing a dissertation, you have tried Googling ‘how to grade my paper calculator,’ ‘check my paper for grammar,’ or even ‘grade my paper for free.’ With sophisticated tutors assessing your dissertation, you need to ensure that it is free from grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Otherwise, you risk jeopardizing your academic progress or failing altogether. Luckily, our research paper reviewer can do all that.  


When writing a thesis, you should aim to attain a highly authoritative scholarly voice. As such, your text should convey confidence in your research processes and knowledge to instill confidence in the readers. Recurring grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors demonstrate how little you understand the subject, plus the language you use communicates how flawed your research method, critical thinking, and writing skills are. 

Although your examiners will guide you on some of these elements, your scholarly article might cause uncertainty and caution. They may be forced to spend extra time trying to make sense of what you are trying to communicate– an extra time they may not necessarily have – adding resentment to their frustration when assessing your work. This scenario will not bode well, especially when you are looking to impress the examiners and attain your degree successfully. But with our thesis grader, you can conduct an in-depth analysis of your text and make the amendments in advance.

Term Papers

Term papers are research papers done at the end of a school semester, and they help teachers evaluate students’ understanding and knowledge of a particular course. Typically, a term paper discusses a specific topic or scientific report, a term paper requires the student to conduct intense research and employ a lot of technical writing expertise. Still, these academic writing assignments must be coherent, organized, analytical, and well-researched, as it ultimately reflects your understanding of a particular course.

Unlike largely independent dissertations, instructors provide course-related topics that the students need to cover. On special occasions, however, students are allowed to choose their topic.

Our paper essay reviewer allows you to edit your term paper quickly and instantly. It uses AI, Data Science, and English grammar rules to analyze your texts in real-time, with feedback appearing between 5-15 seconds. Our cloud-based paper rater online tool crawls deep into the structure and syntax of your term paper without download, signup, or login.

Blog Posts

No matter how well-versed you are in writing, no one is immune to mistakes. However, those minor spelling mistakes in your blogs can damage the success of your sites more than you think. And in the digital world, where you have less than seven seconds to make the first impression without a real-life chat or follow-up handshake, such mistakes can lead to high bounce rates.

New or old well-edited articles ensure that your posts have good meta descriptions, clear search terms, working links, and other relevant search engine optimization.  Along with our tool acting as an excellent grader online for teachers, our tool can also help journalists edit their articles.

Benefits of Using Our Easy Online Grader

  • Easy to use
  • Our teacher easy grader online is customizable to meet the needs of different tutors
  • Our essay grader increases tutor and student engagement
  • Intuitive interface
  • Promote digital literacy and technology-leaning culture
  • Saves time for both the tutors and students
  • Instant feedback

If you are a student, try our easy grader calculator today to improve your writing. For the tutors, use our grader today and quickly assess students’ work!